Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Bible Quote Feb 16th 1 John 4:10

“This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.” - 1 John 4:10
John and Peter, of all the disciples had a special relationship with Jesus. Jesus even allowed them time to commune with Abraham and Moses. John writes in a particular style that is also evident in his letters and in Revelations. Earlier, John had written that Jesus was the Word made flesh. That flesh was sacrificed by God, as a gift to those whom God loved, so that God could abide them Because eternal life is close proximity to God. And to perish is to be utterly riven from God.

God loves you. But God will not endure your rebellion to him. God has created a path so that He can love you and not see your rebellion. It is a remarkable thing, to be loved by God. To be loved by God is to have a home in paradise forever. And it is given freely to all, and those who accept the gift can have it.

Just like prayer is not answered if one does not pray, the gift of love must be reciprocated. If you are angry at God, and blame Him for your choices, then you aren’t listening to Him. Anger divides and hurts love, leading to a broken heart.

God made a path for you. You were lost to Him, but He found a way to retrieve you. It is your choice. But why choose to reject the gifts? Why break the heart of one who loves you?

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